To satisfy our customer's needs by providing best quality products and services from beginning to end at a very reasonable cost leading to an overall cost saving projects.
To maintain a harmonious supplier and customer relationship through each other's journey and uplift each businesses to obtain an easy work load through barcode solutions.
Providing barcode solutions at an overall cost savings leading to customer satisfaction is the primary purpose of our company.
Barcode Scanning Solutions of the Phils. Inc. is a Filipino-owned company which aims to bring all types of businesses into the world of barcode by providing applicable solutions, automation, identification and data capture (AIDC) to obtain an easy work load to its processes. It focuses to a fair and continuous win-win contract.
Barcode Scanning Solutions of the Phils. Inc. is molded by these three fundamentals:
We value customer delight, supplier satisfaction and employee challenge by their work and continuously learning. Focus is placed on continuous improvements, win-win agreements and people empowerment.
#64 Esteban St. Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City
(02) 85314844 | 85348806 | 86544934 | 88781383